Monday 6 February 2012

TV Advertisement 2 Synopsis

I particularly like the idea of having my second TV advertisement mostly based on Ratings (similarly to the Portal2 TV spot)

This advertisement starts off with the convention of a 'ERSB Ratings agency' logo showing the E for everyone iconography. The shot begins with a panning establishing shot of the starry night sky, this quickly stops and you see a gear fall out of the sky. A jump cut will be used to switch to a scene with the gear falling from the sky and landing. Text would be shown, giving a rating from an indie game review company, next it would switch to a shot of Wren looking through a telescope (this serves as somewhat of a reaction shot)

A jump cut switches to a long shot, showing the gear on the ground, a rift opens, gradually growing in size before eventually enveloping the screen (except the gear) in black and white.
Once again, this would switch to another black screen with white text, showing a quote from a PC game company.
Another reaction shot is show, with Wren, mouth open in awe at the gear, this quickly jumps to gameplay, showing Wren running between some spikes protruding from the ground. Another quote is shown, once again, giving the game a rating from an outside company. Finally, this is ended with some more gameplay before finally showing an ending scene with Wren holding a gear which envelops him in light and then fades out to as black screen showing the common convention of the game's title, website and some iconography connotating to the audience what platform the game is available on.

Finally, I end this advert with "Coming Autumn 2012" another convention.

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