Wednesday 29 February 2012

Survey Monkey Results

When creating my survey monkey, I used, (an URL shortening service) to shorten the links to the images I was asking questions about.

This site made it much easier to paste links without them being too long for the people taking my survey to copy and paste into their browser. 
Once I had created my survey, I posted it in three places, To my Facebook, gaining my 10 responses, On my A2 Media blog (where I asked the other people in my class to go to my blog and take my survey) and through email to three of my friends that play video games.  

My first survey was about which magazine advert would most appeal to the questionee's if seen in a magazine, Poster 1 was by far the most responded to, meaning that the below poster would be the one i'd be making.

My second question was about which game cover was most appealing, Cover 2 was the most popular out of these, meaning that I will be making the below.

My third question was in relation to which gaming company logo out of my chosen ones, my survey takers thought was most effective.
The outcome is shown below. 

and finally, which logo they felt was best for the actual logo of the game.
With the below as an outcome

With this research behind me, I will be able to begin editing my Magazine advertisement and my video game box relatively easily, placing my logo's along with other iconography on this. 

1 comment:

  1. Excellent audience research. You are really doing this project professionally and taking on board what your audience needs and expectations. Keep up the good work!
