Sunday 16 October 2011

Survey Monkey

Below is my Survey Monkey, It contains 10 questions that I feel will help me define a target audience, but some that will also will help me when making crucial decisions for my game such as Genre and Platform.
I posted this survey in two places I knew it'd get attention from gamers, the first being my DeviantART account and the second being my Facebook.

Above is my DeviantART post, asking for people to fill it in and below is my post on Facebook

Below is the embed for my survey, I recieved 25 responses from posting this survey in the two places I did and now I will need to analyse the results to help me attain to a target audience when producing my final product.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent audience research questions for your first survey to help you establish who your primary target audience is.
