Tuesday 25 September 2012

To the people following me :D

To anyone still following this blog :3 I have finished A2 Media Studies! I attained an overall B for my AS and A2 coursework and my exams, which I am super happy about!

For anyone interested, I have just started taking Digital Animation to degree level, so I now have a new blog for this kind of thing! You can find me at http://www.Charimation.blogspot.com/ :D Just started this blog today, hopefully in the next 3 years of my course, you'll see a lot of improvement over there in terms of Animation technique and skill :3

But yush :D If you're interested in my newer work, go follow my ramblings over there xD Because I only just realised I have access to this blog still o-o; ...was pretty sure we were gonna be locked out of it during marking, but yaay, apparently not :3