Wednesday 7 March 2012

Final Magazine Advertisement

My final magazine advertisement is shown below. I have closely followed conventions for this so it directly appeals to my audience. If I was to feature this advertisement in a real magazine, I think PC Gamer, Retro Gamer or Indie Gamer would be the most suitable and would reach more of my target audience the fastest. 

1 comment:

  1. Great work, well done!
    You have demonstrated proficiency in the use of the following skills:
    - awareness of conventions of layout and page design
    - awareness of the need for a variety of fonts and text sizes
    - accurate use of language and register
    - appropriate use of ICT for the set task
    - appropriate use integration of illustration and text
    - framing a shot, using a variety of shot distances as appropriate
    - selecting mise-en-scene appropriate to task
    - manipulating images, including cropping and re-sizing

    The only thing I feel lets this down slightly is the layout of your text - I feel this could have been more professionally done.
